How to care and wash Bed sheets

Our beds should be a calm and peaceful retreat. People deserve ultimate comfort in perfectly clean and nice smelling, fresh sheets.

Below are some tips on how to wash bed linen and get a brilliant night’s sleep on your freshly washed pillows.

  • Read the care labels first to be sure you don't have any specific cleaning requirements to follow. Most sheets can be washed at home in your washing machine, but some fabrics may require special care
  • Wash with the hottest water temperature setting listed on the care label. Polyester needs to be washed using warm water, while cotton can tolerate hot water. Hotter water kills most germs and also takes care of dust mites that thrive in bedding.
  • Wash at least once every other week. Although, it is sometimes easy to forget to wash your sheets, think of it this way: Some people spend more time in bed than they do in their clothing. We wash clothes regularly, so bed sheets shouldn't be any different.
  • Separate by color. Just like clothing, do a colour fastnesses test.
  • Hang sheets to dry on a clothesline outside, if possible. Sunshine is a natural disinfectant and helps brighten whites. If you can, do this every couple months. If weather or time doesn't permit, tumble dry your sheets with a dryer.
  • Always iron bed sheets, because ironing helps kill the last of the germs and dust mites  that might remain after the wash. Ironing also helps you to easily store bed linen.